We had our Obedience and Rally Obedience competition that weekend! And I am soooo unbelievable proud
Saturday we competed in Obedience and BH
Ibsen OB 3 221 Good - his mindset was sooo great, happy and funny. We had a 0 in Identification and 5 in direction apport. The other excercises were great
Khaleesi OB1 276 Excellent - her mindset oh my god! I am soooo unbelievable proud of her! Finally we did a competition with fun and joy
Muorra OB B 267 Excellent - her very first Obedience competition! She was really great
Afternoon Anna did her IGP BH-VT with Abby! And for sure- they passed! Huge congratulations
Sunday, we competed in Rally Obedience!
Muorra RO2 95 Excellent
Ibsen RO3 98 Excellent
Sooo proud of my great dogs!
VIDEOS in our Youtube Channel!