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My name is Julia Witibschlager and I’m 28 years old. Apart from my job working as a public servant for the city of Salzburg, my dogs are my big hobby. I really think I found my life’s calling in the work and care with and for my dogs. I simply cannot think of a nicer way to spend my time, other than with them. Since the age of 16 I have been working as a dog trainer, teaching dogs at all age and competence levels.
With 17 I completed my training as a certified puppy and dog trainer of the ÖKV, the Austrian Cynology Association.
Since 2006 I regularly work with all different kinds of dogs and there owners, with an emphasis on the fields of obedience, dog-dancing and basic dog training. This is something I enjoy doing very much, and I am more than happy to have discovered this field of work for myself.
Personally I train my dogs in the fields of obedience, agility and dog-dancing.
A few years ago I decided, that I wanted to start breeding Lapinporokoiras and in August of 2007 I registered my kennel name “Nuortariikas”.
Even though I am very proud of currently being the only person in Austria owning Lapinporokoiras!
Since then I had two litters of - in whole - twelve puppies. They were sold half in Europe.
In 2012 I bought a small house, about 40km away from Salzburg, for me and my animals!
At the moment I am active sportswomen in Obedience, Rally Obedience Agility and Dog Dancing at my sports club in Seekirchen, nearby Salzburg. I am trainer of a small Obedience training group
Since June 2013 I am also breed warden of the Austrian Club of Spitzes and Spitztypes.
In 2016 I fulfilled a dream and got my own Malinois from Hungary, Khaleesi, which will hopefully be the mother of my first Malinois litter
Since 2020 I am also a dogfitnesstrainer and do Canicross
If you are interested in seeing me and my dogs live, I’m sure we’ll also be at a dog show or tournament near you. I hope I was able to give you a little insight into who I am and what I do. If you have any questions concerning me, my dogs or the work I do please do not hesitate do contact me. I would be glad to answer all your questions!
Julia Witibschlager