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09.08.2014 - World Dog Show Helsinki - Championclass
Good proportions, good head and expression,, good feet and movement, correct coatquality, good tail
Judge: Jukka Kuusisto (FIN)
15.08.2013 CACIB Budapest - Championclass
Judge: Marja Talvitie (FIN)
15.08.2013 CACIB Budapest - Championclass
Judge: Leif-Herman Wilberg (N)
19.05.2012 WDS Salzburg - Championclass
E2, Res. CACA
Judge: Jörgen Hindse (DK)
09.07.2011 World Dog Show Paris - Championclass
Judge: Goran Bodegard (S)
08.07.2011 Championat de France - Championclass
Judge: Hassi Feyel Assenmacher (D)
21.05.2011 IHA Salzburg - Championclass
4 years old, good in type, very good head, typical eyes and ears, very good proportions, breedlike angulations, good in hair and colour, in movement narrow behind
Judge: Martha Heine (D)
07.05.2011 Europasiegerschau Dortmund - Championclass
E1, Res. CAC, Anw. Dt. CH VDH, Res. CACIB
excellent type, femine in head and expression, correct eyes, ears and bite, medium strong neck with correct lenght, correct back, good developed fore paw, correct placed in forequarters and hindquarters, typical coat, neutral character, quick movement
Judge: Angelika Kammerscheid-Lammers (D)
06.05.2011 Jahrhundertsiegerschau Dortmund - Championclass
E1, CAC, Anw. Dt. CH VDH, CACIB, FCI Jahrthundertsiegerin
4 years old, very beautiful in type, correct head, typical ears and eyes, correct neckline, very good angulations, correct in hair and colour, in movement narrow behind, movement free from the side
Judge: Martha Heine (D)
12.12.2010 Helsinki Winner - Championclass
E2, Res. SERT, Res. CACIB
very good proportions, little too heavy in body, good skull, a bit too short muzzle, eye could be darker, little wide ear-placement, exc. feet, correct bone, a bit dipped topline, a bit slop in croup, moves with good powerful step, good coat, pleasent character
Judge: Leila Kärkas (FIN)
11.12.2010 Winner Show Helsinki - Championclass
4 years old, strong body, good bone, bitch a bit in overweigt, feminie head, bit rounded eyes, good bite, the muzzle could be bit fuller, strong feet and back end good tail, could have more angulation in front, moves with enough long steps, but narrow behind, exc. coat.
Judge: Salja Juutilainen (FIN)
06.12.2009 IHA Wels - Championclass
too fine head for the body, nose to small, ears too stubby, strong neck, compact back, deep breast, legs need more substance, too flexible ankle, correct tail, free movement, good temper
Judge: Dr. Roberto Schill (RO)
05.12.2009 IHA Wels - Championclass
typical bitch, beautifil head, beautiful movement
Richter: Otakar Vondrous (CZ)
15.11.2009 National Show Friedrichshafen - Championclass
E1, CAC, Anw. Dt. Ch. VDH
Tundra gets the German Champion
Substantial feminine bitch, which should not be more heavier, excellent head, ears, proportions, backhand, paws and breast, correct forhand and tail, excellent coat, floating movement
Richter: Dr. Wilfried Peper (D)
14.11.2009 International Show Friedrichshafen - Championclass
E1, CAC, Anw. Dt. Ch. VDH, CACIB
Excellent build bitch, excellent head, eyes and ears, strong backline, correct carried tail, excellent angulated for- and backhand, strong bones, correct in stand and movement, friendly temper
Richter: Rudi Hardtmann (D)
09.10.2009 National Show Bratislava, Open class
Tundra gets the Slowakian Champion
2 and a half years old, excellent balanced body and muscels, nice head, scissor bite, good muscle and skull proportion, excellent ears, excellent topline, moderate angulation behind, parallel in front, enough long neck carried well, water resistant coat, needs more undercoat, typical movement
Judge: Vija Klucniece (LV)
08.10.2009 World Dog Show, Open class
E1, CAC, CACIB, World Winner
very typical bitch, quiet strong, still feminine, attracktive head and expression, very good ears, excellent front legs and feet, very substantial but shapely body, well angulated behind, prefer higher tail set, she moves good behind, good in front and from side
Judge: Espen Engh (N)
03.10.2009 IHA Tulln, Open class
Excellent 1, CACA, CACIB, BOB, Bundessieger
Tundra gets the Austrian Champion and the International Champion
Feminine, correct bitch, fine head, correct expression, dark eye, very good breast, back gives a little in, correct standet and angulated, flowing movement, in front a little close
Judge: Phyllis Poduschka-Aigner (A)
22.08.2009 Middle East European Winner Wels, Open class
Excellent 1, CACA, CACIB, BOB
3 1/2 years, correct headproportions and backline, correct front in standing and movement and backhand, correct in movement, tail carried to high (ears)
Judge: Ruth Wagner (CH)
21.08.2009 IHA Salzburg, Open class
Excellent 1, CACA, CACIB, BOB
2 1/2 years outstanding typ, very well balanced, excellent head, correct bite, excellent body structure, excellent angulation, excellent coat and movement
Judge: Muntean Petru (RO)
16.05.2009 IHA Salzburg, Open class
Excellent 1, CACA, CACIB, BOB
correct type, correct head, good neck, chest, soft topline, good angulation & movement
Judge: Nemanja Jovanovic (SER)
26.04.2009 IHA Budweis, Open class
Excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOB
Bitch, mediumsized body, strong bones, very good head, correct carried and placed tail, excellent angualation in the back, elegant mechanic movement, friendly
Judge: Frantisek Simek (CZ)
08.03.2009 IHA München, Open Class
Excellent 1, CAC, Anw. Dt. Ch VDH, CACIB, BOB
2 year old, very typey bitch of excellent figure, typey head, correct set on and carried ears, very good topline and bottom line, standardlike angulations, fleet-footed and far reaching gait, confident and friendly behaviour.
Judge: E. Sistermann (DE)
17.01.2009 CACIB Nürnberg, Open Class
Excellent 1, CAC, Anw. Dt. Ch VDH, BOB
2 year old bitch, excellent general appereance. appealing head, dark eye, excellent pigmentation, correct proportions, correct topline and bottom line, flowing gait with good drive, friendly
Judge: Gabriele Richard (DE)
07.12.2008 IHA Wels, Open Class
Excellent 1, CACA, CACIB, BOB
overmediumsized typical bitch, female head, eye a bit round, medium strong bones, a bit long-coupled, good angulation and movement
Judge: Blaz Kavcic (SLO)
06.12.2008 IHA Wels, Open Class
Excellent 1, CACA, CACIB. BOB
typical correct head, correct carried ear, dark eye, correct stance in fore- and backquarters, harmonic movement, paws correctly closed, calm strong temper
Judge: Adolf Ringer (A)
09.11.2008 Nationale Ausstellung Stuttgart, Open Class
Excellent 1, CAC, Anw. Dt. Ch. VDH, BOB, Sieger Stuttgart
elegante female, correct stacked, good upper line, good bones, good hand, correct angulation of the hindquarters, feminine head, eyes fit, elegante neck, free in movement
Excellent 2, Res. CAC, Res Anw. Dt. Ch. VDH: Tuulenkuun Daikarumpu (Open Class)
Judge: Hans Müller (CH)
08.11.2008 IRAS Stuttgart, Open Class
Excellent 2, Res. CAC, Res Anw. Dt. Ch. VDH, Res. CACIB
solid build female, with correct proportioned head, beautiful neck, strong back, good bones, excellent angulated, excellent in movement, has still to develope in body
Excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOB: Tuulenkuun Daikarumpu (Open class)
Judge: Elisabeth Clerc (CH)
05.10.2008 Eurodog - Clubshow, Intermediate Class (15 - 24 months)
Very Good 1
Judge: Elina Tan (FIN)
04.10.2008 Eurodog, Intermediate Class (15 - 24 months)
Excellent 1, CAC, Res. CACIB
Judge: Agnes Ganami - Kertes (ISR)
23.08.2008 NHA Innsbruck, Intermediate Class (15 - 24 months)
Excellent 1, CACA
beautiful body, female head, correct teeth, beautiful breast, in movement, a little close in movement behind, good handeling
Judge: Miroslav Vaclavik
31.05.2008 IHA Salzburg, Junior class (9 - 18 months)
Excellent 1, Best junior, BOB
nice type, feminine head, good neck + shoulders, excellent substance + balance, well angulated, nice coat, moves well
Judge: Dr. Tamas Jakkel (H)
12.04.2008 IHA Wieselburg, Junior class (9 - 18 months)
Excellent 1, Best junior, BOB
Tundra gets the Austrian Junior Champion
will follow....
Judge: Robert Blümel (A)
02.12.2007 IHA Wels, Junior class (9 - 18 months)
Excellent 1, Best junior
scissors bite, strong skull, good ears, good placed on the body, bright front, enough long tail, in movement a little more in movement
Judge: Dr. Milivoje Urosevic (SRB)
01.12.2007 IHA Wels, Junior class (9 - 18 months)
Excellent 1, Best junior
10 months old, feminine bitch, very good expression, correct in stance for the age, soft backline, excellent character
Judge: Robert Blümel (A)
29./30.09.2007 IHA Tulln, Puppy class (6-9 months)
Very promising
Very good type, very good head, correct shoulders, much breast, good angulated hindquarters, correct backline, good movement
Judge: Dr. Tamas Jakkel (H)