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10.01.2015 CACIB Nürnberg - Championclass
E1, CAC, Anw. Dt. CH, CACIB
3 years old, strong female, strong head with bride upper head, strong neck, distict breast, deep and strong chest, correct angulated, loping and flowing in movement, very good texture of fur
Judge: Regina Blessing (D)
09.11.2014 NRAS Karlsruhe - Championclass
E1, CAC, Anw. Dt CH
2,5 years typical for breed, head with correct ears, eyes and pigment, strong and healthy bite, fitting length of neck, strong and straight back, very good depth of chest, straight front, in back muscles and angulation is correct, well groomed coat, correct colour, attentive and friendly, flowing movement, correct movement
Judge: Peter Machetanz (D)
08.11.2014 IRAS Karlsruhe - Championclass
E1, CAC, Anw. Dt. CH, CACIB
Typical general appereance, balanced character, feminine head, excellent trunk, movement and angulation, correct carriage of tail
Judge: Gerda Kastl (D)
27.09.2014 IHA Tulln - Open class
Attractive bitch, correct bite, good body, correct ears, txpical topline, straight front, good angulated backfeet, correct hair, a bit narrow movement in rear, nice action
Judge: Heidi Kirschbichler (A)
24.08.2014 IHA Innsbruck 2 - Open class
Feminine head, proportioned but a littel fat body, good coat for season, moves free, correct c arriage of tail
Judge: Dr. Poggesi Manola (I)
23.08.2014 IHA Innsbruck 1 - Open class
excellent type, topline could be ...., good bone and feet, strong head, coat in best condition, good moves but could be a bit ....
Judge: Paloheimo Anukka (FIN)
09.08.2014 WDS Helsinki - Open class
Strong, excellent type, fine head, good coat, a bit narrow rear movement
Judge: Marja Talvitie (FIN)
17.05.2014 IHA Wieselburg - Open class
2 years old, very good type, good size, good bones, very feminine head, needs more underjaw, eyes could be darker, very good neck, good shoulders, good forechest, excellent topline, good drive, excellent movement, well presented
Judge: Jadranka Mijatovic (HR)
05.04.2014, IHA Salzburg - Open class
feminine female, good type, good head, a little bit round eyes, strong angulation back, good in the forehand, good movement, in tha rear a little close
Judge: Pyhlis Poduschka Aigner (A)
23.02.2014, Winter Winner Celje - Open class
good size, feminine head, good expression, good bite, well placed eyes, correct ears, good body, neck, bone, vorrect angulated, correct tailset, moves very well, good coat and colour, nice temperament
Judge: Freddie Klindrup (DK)
22.02.2014. Speciality Celje - Open klasse
E1, CAC, Klubwinner
very good type and shape, feminine head, expression, very well angulated, good neck and topline, moves well, good coat and colour
Judge: Mona Selbach (N)
11.01.2014, CACIB Nürnberg - Intermediate class
E1, Anw. Dt. CH, CAC, CACIB
23 month old female, excellent general appereance, excellent head, ears and eyes, strong back, correct carried tail, excellent fore- and backhand, correct in stand and movement, very good hairtexture, very good temper
Judge: Rudi Hardtmann (D)
08.12.2013 IHA Wels - Open class
correct type, correct expression, a little bit narrow behind, good hair, moverment light not parallel in front, excellent temperament
Judge: Anatoli Zhuk (RUS)
09.12.2013 IHA Wels - Open class
20 months, medium sized, good format, feminine head, good expression, correct stop, medium brown eyes, correct in stand, good breast, good movement,a little bit narrow in the back
Judge: Heidi Kirschbichler (A)
28.09.2013 IHA Tulln - Intermediate class
E1, CACA, CACIB, Bundessiegerin, BOS
19 months, good size and proportions, feminine head, correct bite and pigment, well shaped eyes and ears, would like slightly strong muzzle, neck a little bit too short, good topline and tailset, well developed chest, strong bone and feet, move well a bit narrow in the back, good coat
Judge: Henrik Soeborg (DK)
11.08.2013 IHA Innsbruck - Intermediate class
18 months typical bitch, correct head, correct ears, good muzzle, good back, coat shiny and good texture, correct tail, not 100% straight in stand, good presented, in movement close in the rear
Judge: Maria Teresa Mondo Gabrielli (I)
01.04.2013, IHA München - Junior class
E1, Anw. Dt. Jug. CH
juvenile type, correct head, good setting of ears, top and underline very good, correct setting and holding oftial, very good texture, excellent in angulation, movement and temper
Judge: Erwin Deutscher (A)
02.03.2013, IHA Graz - Junior class
Very good type, head with much expression, good neck-top line and croup, good breast proportions, good angulated, good quality of hair, free movement
Judge: Monika Blaha (A)
09.12.2012, IHA Wels - Junior class
E1, JB
1 year old bitch, good proportions, head with feminine expression, good muzzle, ear good set, correct topline, needs more ringtraining
Judge: Dr. Ovesna Jaroslava (CZ)
08.12.2012, IHA Wels - Junior class
E1, JB
Scissor bite, very good upper line, correct tail, for the age compact body
Judge: Dr. Milivoje Urosevic (SRB)
11.11.2012, NRAS Karlsruhe - Junior class
9 months old bitch, feminine head, very good topline, tail is carried too high, excellent angulated fore- and backhand, correct in stand and movement, temper should be more free and selfconfident
Judge: Rudi Hardtmann (D)
10.11.2012, IRAS Karlsruhe - Junior class
Attractive general appereance, feminine head, a bit long back, tail is carried over the top, very good angulation, correct movement, shows herselv excellent
Judge: Gerda Kastl (D)
14.10.2012, CACIB Koper - Puppy class
Very promising
8 months, very nice puppy with excellent body, nice balance, beautiful angulation, feminine head and expression, correct bite, enough strong topline, strong feet, nice coat qualitiy, very nice movement, correct tail carriage, holding topline nicely, nice coat, nice temper
Judge: Saija Juutilainen (FIN)
29.09.2012, IHA Tulln - Puppy class
Very promising
correct size + format, enough strong bone, typical head, correct eyes and ears, good topline, a little bit high tail carriage in action, typical quarters and angulation and movement
Judge: Anna Brankovic (SER)
11.08.2012 IHA Innsbruck - Puppyclass
Very promising
6 months old, very typical female, excellent developed for that age, shows outstanding type, very nice colour, feminine head, good expression, shows herself in a brilliant way, movement not balanced yet
Judge: Robert Blümel (A)