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09.08.2014 WDS Helsinki - Championclass
Very Good
Good proportions, good head, beautiful ears, good back and body, all too curved tail, moves narrow from behind
Judge: Jukka Kuusisto (FIN)
19.04.2014 CACIB Maribor - Champion class
correct type, sized and format, nice head, excellent topline and angulation, little bit loose in ellbows, correct coat, excellent temperament
Judge: Ekaterina Senashenko (RU)
23.02.2014, Winter Winner Celje - Champion class
good size, feminine head, nice expression, correct bite, well placed eyes, correct ears, excellent neck and body, very good bone, sligthly straight angulation in front, correct in back, too high tail carriage, moves well from side and rear, good coat and temper
Judge: Freddie Klindrup (DK)
22.02.2014, Speciality Celje - Champion class
very nice developed head, topline could be former, moves ok, sufficient bone, goood coat and colour
Judge: Mona Selbach (N)
10.11.2013, NRAS Karlsruhe - Champion class
E1, Anw. Dt. Ch, CAC, BOS
strong, substantial, strong and to the body fitting head, scull convex, ears up, distinctive frontal groove, medium brown eyes, tail set medium high, thick undercoat, straight foreleg, usual angulations, shows herself calm and attentive at the same time
Judge: Walter Schicker (D)
09.11.2013, IRAS Karlsuhe - Champion class
E1, Anw. Dt. Ch, CAC, CACIB, BOB
Typey bitch with expressive head, elegante topline, tail carried a bit too high, very good angulations, very good coat, floaty movement, in front and back not parallell
Judge: Hans Grüttner (D)
01.04.2013, IHA München - Open class
E1, CAC, Anw. Dt. CH, CACIB, BOB
harmonic in typ, very beautiful head, correct ears and tail setting, beautiful neck-back line, excellent coat, excellent in angulation, movement and temper
Judge: Erwin Deutscher (A)
09.12.2012, IHA Wels - Open class
2 year old funny bitch, substancefull, nice head, good chest, in movement in rear close, tail good set, nice presentation
Judge: Dr. Ovesna Jaroslava (CZ)
08.12.2012, IHA Wels - Open class
Scissor bite, good head, correct ears, very good head-neck line, in movement straight back, correct angulation
Judge: Dr. Milivoje Urosevic (SRB)
11.11.2012, NRAS Karlsruhe - Open class
2 1/2 years old bitch, very good general expression, feminine head, good topline, tail is carried over the top, excellent angulated fore- and backhand, correct in stand and movement, very good temper
Judge: Rudi Hardtmann (D)
10.11.2012, IRAS Karlsruhe - Open class
Attractive bitch with sympathical temper, excellent head, a little streched back, not in level, tail is carried over the top, very good angulated, strong running-bones, in the back a little close, but correct
Judge Gerda Kastl (D)
14.10.2012, CACIB Koper - Open class
2 years, young bitch with beautiful proportions, nicley angulated in both ends, correct bones, beautiful feminine head, nice expression, correct bite, enough long ribcage, moves very well with beautiful reach and drive, holding topline perfectly, long tail a bit to curved, makes beautiful picture when standing, correct coat in summer condition
Judge: Saija Juutilainen (FIN)
29.09.2012, IHA Tulln - Open class
correct size + format, nice feminine head, strong neck, typical topline, tail carriage too high in action, well deceloped chest, typical quaters and angulation, a bit lose in ellbowes, a bit soft pastern, typical movement
Judge: Anna Brankovic (SER)
14.01.2012, CACIB Nürnberg - Intermediate class
E1, CAC, Anw. Dt. CH, CACIB, BOB
20 months old, excellent general appereance, proportions and bone strength, very beautiful head with good expression,correct in all details, medium sized neck, linear back, which could be a little bit stronger, deep set tail, very good carried, could have a bit more breast, very good angulated fore- and backhand, parallell and outstanding movement with good drive, breedlike coat, correct in texture and structure, very friendly temper, very good presented
Judge: Klaus Strack (D)
04.12.2011, IHA Wels - Intermediate class
medium strong, good proportions, good lack of pigmentation, correct coat, typical head, good angulations, enough developed breast, parallel standing, floating movement, in the back a little close
Judge: Miroslav Zidar (SER)
03.12.2011, IHA Wels - Intermediate class
very beautiful head, correct eyes and ears, scissor bite, typical muzzle, correct neck, strong back, good tail, deep breast, good angulations, good presented, good hair
Judge: Olga Dolejsova (CZ)
06.10.2011, NRAS Stuttgart - Intermediate class
E1, CAC, Anw. Dt. CH VDH
18 months old bitch, very attracktive general appereance, feminine head with very attentive expression, dark correct set eyes, excellent pigmentation, harmonic body proportions, substance and bones fit to the body, breedlike angulations, well groomed coat, in movement floaty and quick, in front and back a little bit close in movement, attentive and very good handled
Judge: Gabriele Richard (D)
05.10.2011, IRAS Stuttgart - Intermediate class
18 months old, very beautiful head, good head proportions, darg good set eyes, good carried ears, very expressive, excellent body, correct length of body, beautiful outlines and angulations, good movement, very joyful carried tail, very good coat and temper
Judge: Hassi Feyel Assenmacher (D)
24.09.2011, IHA Tulln - Intermediate class
correct in type, beautiful head, ears correct set, back straight and harmonic, tail could be carried better, angulation, movement and temper ok
Judge: Erwin Deutscher (A)
13.08.2011 IHA Innsbruck - Intermediate class
Very Good 1
not yet developed bitch, typical head and expression, no coat, straight front, soft paws, strong rear, not yet balanced in movement
Richter: Elsbeth Clerc (CH)
24.07.2011 IHA Augsburg - Junior class
E1, Anw. Dt. Jug Ch
Ajatuksia fulfills the condition for German Junior Champion!
typical general appearance, feminine expression with excellent details, strong and good musceled , tail carried a little too high, excellent angulations, peppy movement, balanced temper
Judge: Gerda Kastl (D)
18.06.2011 IHA Klagenfurt - Junior class
E1, Jugendbeste, BOB
Ajatuksia fulfills the condition for Austrian Junior Champion
14 months, correct built bitch, enough breedlike expression, correct format, typical colour, in movement still in development, needs time
Judge: Robert Blümel (A)
21.05.2011 IHA Salzburg - Junior class
Very Good 1
good in type, very good head, typical eyes and ears, good neckline, good angulations, very good in hair and colour, in movement lose in the front and narrow behind
Judge: Martha Heine (D)
07.05.2011 Europasiegerschau Dortmund - Junior class
12 months old, still in development, very good head and expression, ears from correct lenght and correct placed, dark eye in correct eye lid, muzzle correct lenght, harmonic neckline, linear back, very good placed in fore- and hindquarters, correct angulations, free in movement, tail good set, but carried to high, friendly character
Judge: Angelika Kammerscheid-Lammers (D)
06.05.2011 Jahrhundertsiegerschau Dortmund - Junior class
E1, Anw. Dt. Jug CH, FCI Jahrthundertjugendsiegerin
12 months old, correct in type, very good head, typical eyes and ears, very good proportions, very good angulations in front and back, very good in hair and colour, floaty movement
Judge: Martha Heine (D)
09.04.2011 IHA Wieselburg - Junior class
E1, JB
11 months old bitch, very good type, beautiful feminine head, correct bite, topline still must develop, coorect rear, good placed tail, coat is changing, excellent elastic movement
Judge: Stefan Sinko (SLO)
20.03.2011 IHA München - Junior class
E1, Anw. Dt. Jug CH
10 months old female of correct format, very beautiful feminine head, dark eye, correct placed and carried ears, very good topline, nice angulations, substacial bones, floot-feeded movement from the side, in walking a bit to close to ground, friendly temper
Judge: Elmar Sistermann (D)
26.02.2011 IHA Graz, Junior class
E1, JB
Scissor bite, correct head, good topline, strong tail, strong legs, in movement in front a little bit closely
Milivoje Urosevic (SRB)
05.12.2010 IHA Wels - Puppy class
Very promising
7 months old, very beautiful bitch, which still comes up very close to the standard, for the age extraordinary quality, very balanced moving, bitch with very much potential
Judge: Robert Blümel (A)
04.12.2010 IHA Wels - Puppy class
Very promising
medium sized, good placed and angulated, correct bite, beautiful dark eye, good placed ears, back not developed yet, frindly character, floating movement, tail carried a bit too high
Judge: Heidi Kirschbichler (A)