Kennel Nuortariikas Lapinporokoira

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Growing Up

Kennel Infos

Growing up in Kennel Nuortariikas

I want to give you a small summary, how my puppies grow up the first eight weeks.

The first three to four weeks, the whelping box is placed in the living room, I sleep on the couch besides them. So I can protect them 24 hours a day.
The room is extra heated - if needed - for the first time and separated from the other animals. If my females like, they can offer the puppies to the others!
The advantage over other rooms is, that the puppies grow up in the living part of my house. They get used to all the noises and every day things. They also learn from the first day on, that the human touch and human smell is positive to them

The whelping box can be opened as a whole, so the puppies get their first little area outside the box after three weeks, when they start to discover the world. In this area there is also a puppy potty to start getting clean

With the fourth week, the puppies have the whole part of the living room for their own! Now they are in the middle of the every day situations.


From the beginning of the fourth week, we also have our daily trips to the garden. I made a little playing place in it, with a ball bath, a small tunnel with bottles and cans, a tunnel and so own. So they can make their own experiences.

I also do cardriving with them, they get known to several people of different ages, different animals,, a small walk to get used to the collar and leash and some trips to foreign places.

I try to prepare the puppies on their later life. My purchase is to give the new owners a puppy, which knows, it can handle every situation together with their owner!

If you have any further questions of my growing up, feel free to contact me!

My B litter in an online magazine:

Wurfplanung und Deckung
Erster Trächtigkeitsverlauf und Trächtigkeitsdiagnose
Zweiter Trächtigkeitsverlauf und Vorbereitung
Die Geburt
Wochen Eins und zwei
Wochen Drei und Vier
Wochen Fünf und Sechs
Wochen Sieben und Acht - Der Auszug
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